Issue Position: Immigration Issues

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Immigration

Planet Earth is not designed with borders. In our increasingly interconnected world, capital is free to flow across borders and so is labor.

I propose adjudication for the undocumented with a path to citizenship. We must end the present status quo which allows for a permanent population of second class citizenship.
Possible alternatives:
Perhaps a fine equal to ten percent of one's yearly income and 100 hours of community service would be a productive penalty.
I will advocate for mandatory citizenship classes and English language training, We need to be able to talk with each other.

I will advocate for a reduction in immigration in the short term solely to allow time for the foreign-born 13% of our present population to integrate and prepare society for what must come. Ignoring cultural pressures is foolish. Note nationalistic push back against immigrants in Europe.
We must develop a long-term plan to prepare for climate change refugees which will mean open borders.
